Prof. Welsch received his AB in mathematics from Princeton and his MS and PhD from Stanford also in mathematics. He joined the MIT faculty in 1969 as an assistant professor, became an associate professor four years later and was promoted to professor in 1979. He held the Leaders for Manufacturing Chair from 1988 until 1993. From 1973 until 1979 he was also a senior research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research where he participated in the development of the Troll econometric, financial, and statistical modeling system. He was co-director or director of the MIT Statistics Center from 1981 until 1989.
Prof. Welsch is widely recognized for his book (with Edwin Kuh and David Belsley) on regression diagnostics and for his work on robust estimation, multiple comparison procedures, nonlinear modeling, and statistical computing. He is currently involved with research on robust process control and experimental design, credit scoring models and risk assessment, diagnostics for checking model and design assumptions, reliability measurement in electronic commerce, and volatility modeling in financial markets.
Prof. Welsch teaches data analysis and applied statistics focusing on regression modeling, experimental design, and quality control with financial and marketing applications.
He is a fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, the American Statistical Association, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.