Service Plan Terms and Conditions

For purchases on, or through any other retail sales channel, of any new models (or models previously activated for 30 or fewer days) of the TiVo EDGE for Antenna or TiVo BOLT OTA for Antenna you may select one of the following service subscriptions:

For TiVo devices that work with Cable:

For purchases through any retail sales channel of any model of the TiVo EDGE for Cable, TiVo BOLT, TiVo BOLT+, TiVo BOLT VOX or the TiVo Roamio (other than a TiVo Roamio OTA 1 TB) previously activated for over 30 days, you may select one of the following service subscriptions:

For purchases, through any retail sales channel, of any model of the TiVo Premiere, TiVo Premiere 4 or TiVo Premiere XL4, you may select either:

Additional Terms and Restrictions

TiVo Service Subscriptions:

1 Monthly TiVo service subscriptions will continue after the 1-year commitment period at the same monthly rate until you call TiVo Customer Service (at 877-367-8486) to cancel your TiVo service.

2 Unless you call TiVo Customer Service (at 877-367-8486) to cancel your TiVo service prior to the fulfillment of any annual service period, then your TiVo service on your TiVo device automatically will renew for another successive 1-year period; your TiVo service subscription will renew at the same annual rate. ALL PREPAID ANNUAL SERVICE FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.

3 An All-in plan (a) lasts for the lifetime of your TiVo device (not your lifetime), (b) is not transferrable to another TiVo device (except in certain warranty replacement/repair cases), and (c) may exclude certain TiVo offerings (e.g., for third-party content, particular applications, cloud-based services, etc.) for which TiVo subsequently may elect (in its sole discretion) to charge separately and which are not made generally available to all customers who have activated TiVo service on a particular TiVo device.